Let's do it in Drupal 8!
By Ruben Teijeiro
Drupal 8 is around the corner and there are a few websites running on it so, why don't start your next project using Drupal 8 a take advantage of their awesome features.
In this workshop I'll try to explain how to start a new Drupal 8 project from scratch, building it's menus, creating content types and categorizing it using taxonomies, constructing your views and block to display your content, building custom forms and finally theming the whole site using Twig. Also we will take a look at new features in Drupal 8 such as configuration management and REST API.
The workshop is intended for site-builders but, if you are Drupal developer, both front-end and back-end, designer, project manager or Unicorn hunter, no matter if you don't have previous experience with Drupal, you are welcome.
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